Tuesday, April 24, 2012

RESOLVED: The solutions for addition s1600 to image at Picasa

Recently, Picasa has changed their privacy and default size for images when you upload using API to be 512px. Mean of smaller than the original size of every images. Big problem, if your websites have embedded these images.

Picasa support give a solution like addition "s1600/Filename.jpg" instead of old name in every image urls. But I can't modify every post when my blog/websites have had more than hundreds or thousands post. Too much, to modify by hand :(

My solutions as the following hope to resolve this if you have same problems.

Solution 1: (update data in column containing image url by update query, tested for SQL Server)

update [e_Image] set
imageurl= replace(imageurl,reverse(left(reverse(imageurl), charindex('/', reverse(imageurl)) -1)),
's1600/'+ reverse(left(reverse(imageurl), charindex('/', reverse(imageurl)) -1))) 

Execute, and see the results.

Solution 2:  (use javascript to replace old file name with new name contain "s1600/" when page load)

This solution is coded  by youself. 


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